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Importance of Logging

Effective logging requires a thoughtful and systematic approach. By following the best practices, developer can improve the quality of their logs, enabling faster issue identification, better troubleshooting and enhance system understanding. Consistent and well-planned logging practices contribute to overall application reliability and maintanence

  1. Logging should be an integral part of the development process, logging should not be an afterthought but should be incorporated early in the development cycle. By considering logging requirements from the beginning, developers can ensure that relevant information is captured and that the logging system is properly integrated into the application.

  2. Define logging objectives, developers should have a clear understanding of why they are implementing logging and what specific information they aim to capture.

  3. Utilize appropriate log levels, use different log levels appropriately. Each log level serves a specific purpose and helps in filtering and prioritizing logs based on their importance.

  4. Use logging framework, these tools offers features such as log levels, formatting options, filtering capabilities, and integration with logging services, which simplify the implementation and logs management.

  5. Apply proper log formatting, to ensure the logs are easily to intepret use consistent and structured log format. The formats can include timestamps, log levels, relevant identifiers and detailed messages. Maintaining a clear structure enables efficient parsing, analysis and troubleshooting.

  6. Utilize contextual information, include relevant contextual information such as application versions, server names, identifiers etc. This additional information enhances the diagnostic value of logs and facilitates tracing and correlations accros different components

  7. Apply Logging consistency, it is important to maintain consistency in logging behaviour to ensure logs reliability. This includes consistently using the same log levels, avoiding redundant log messages, and adhering to a consistent log structure throughout the application.

  8. Plan for log growth and retention, consider the volume of logs generated and plan for log storage and retention policies. Prepare the strategies such as log rotation, size-based log trimming or time-based log rotation policies to manage log storage efficiently.